On Trampolining
Our literally-glittering visual tribute to Rebecca Perry’s lyrical gymnastics memoir

Choosing air over earth
Our design of Rebecca Perry’s fascinating poetic memoir is a visual paean to a childhood in the 1990s gymnastics arena—replete with nods to municipal sports halls, plastic trophies, sparkling leotards, iron-on patches and crude, diagrammatic sketches.
Our approach to the design of On Trampolining aimed to pit the taught idea of anxious, girlhood anticipation against a freedom of spinning high through the air in seemingly perpetual motion. Its cover signifies both of these things: the dream leotard, hot pink and shimmering with beads (anticipation) forms the concentric circles that span outward from the central figure (motion).
The figure itself, in mid-pike, is an interpretation of the illustration on one of Rebecca’s original trophies–one of those mass-produced objects of school and the extracurricular that are universally embedded in all of us that have walked such municipal corridors, even if they were not necessarily ours to lift in celebration!
The use of the Cooper-influenced Gelica ties this theme together typographically by prompting a reminiscence of the kind of soft, rounded serifs synonymous with the glued-on felt lettering of childhood fabrics and sportswear that hadn’t yet petered out by the time the 1990s came to a close.